I love backgrounds and environments. Maybe one day I'll do a comic without any people in it because I love drawing settings that much, seriously. I hope to get much better at it as well.
Second, kinda like Comics You Should Know, I figured I'd post what I'm reading in the mainstream world and enjoying and would actually feel like recommending. It should go unsaid but this is a highly biased and completely non-objective list:
Booster Gold: Why? Keith Giffen, JM DeMatteis, and Chris Batista with covers by Kevin Macguire. Justice League International is one of the few series I actually go back and reread no matter how long ago the stories were written or how crude the printing may look compared to modern glossy comics and that's because the team involved did something amazing by making superheroes into relatable and likable people. I'd already been enjoying Booster Gold as a series, but I could not be happier to have this team on the series. Solid art, solid dialogue, and with only one issue with this team out so far I was able to get the same satisfying emotional sucker punch I got when I read JLI. I look forward to reading the rest of this run immensely.
Justice League Generation Lost: Same deal as Booster Gold for the most part. I'm a JLI fan and I actually think Judd WInnick is handling his writing end fairly well considering I haven't really read anything by him for the most part. It's nice to know that super hero comics can still have largely character driven storylines at times. I want to know what happens next not because of the "oh hey, what a unique plot device!" but instead of how the characters are going to handle the situation. Here's hoping it continues to be a good read.
The Flash: I'm a sucker for Francis Manapul's art. I loved his and Geoff John's run on Adventure Comics and I'm hoping this run will be as satisfying. That said, I'll keep reading it if only for Manapul's wonderful soft ink washes and refreshing style in a world where hyper-realism seems to be the standard by which mainstream comics are judged. I'm not really a Barry Allen fan, but whatever, it's pretty.
Joe the Barbarian: Yeah, it's Vertigo, but that's still mainstream to me. For people of my generation in particular, this story does a great job of recalling the feel of all those fantastic 80s fantasy movies about kids in the modern world being pulled into fantastic adventures. The art is stunning and this kind of trippy reality bending is something Grant Morrison does really well. It's definitely a series that I might almost recommend in paperback form to be able to appreciate the narrative, but seeing as only five of the eight floppies are out right now I just keep rereading the volumes as they come out. It's also nice to get into something that you know has an actual end in sight.
That's it for now. Coming to CCS I've been trying to devour pretty much any comic I can get my hands on and while I am reading a couple of other mainstream titles, these four are the only ones that pop out in my mind as notable. I might pull a non-mainstream list together later, but that's probably going to end up just being a list of books I've read from the library and liked, and maybe a manga list if I read anything that stands out. Genre, format, and company are never a deterrent for me if I think what I'm going to read might be enjoyable or well done.
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