Thursday, May 5, 2011

CCS Thesis: Over!

Page 10 uploaded: Here!

Also, a classmate of mine, Josh Kramer, is putting together this awesome blog collection to showcase our thesis work. Check it out!

As of posting this blog my thesis has officially been turned in and I have attended my final class here at the Center for Cartoon Studies. I'm at a bit of a loss and I don't think it's really hit home just yet. In fact, I don't know if it ever really well. My time here has been beyond amazing and while I know there are many great comics still to make and that the friendships I've made here don't have to end just because we're parting ways it's still hard.

I mean this with all sincerity that this has been the best two years of my life. I thank so many people for this.

First, here is the blue version of the CoC cover which will be the cover for volume 2:

Next up is the final two luchadore images since I skipped last week. It's the Ace of Clubs and Ace of Diamonds:

I've got a lot of work to keep on doing and I'm glad for that. I don't know exactly where I'm going to end up right now, but I like to hope the future is bright. And to sum it up, here's a soothing video of a fat cat on a water treadmill. Make sure sound is on.


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