Have you heard the Ghosts of Samsara?

Well, the first printing of Ghosts of Samsara is over and I turn in my copies to my classmates tomorrow. I didn't update on time these last couple of weeks because of, well, lack of time and energy.
At least I wasn't alone in all this. Late nights and long hours was pretty much par for the course for everyone here at CCS. My final review will be on Thursday and I'm pretty sure of some of the critiques I'll get, but at least I can say I feel like I put a significant amount of time and effort into this project.
But, that also means I'm now free to start a new project, doesn't it? Well, I expect over the next few months a lot of world building, a lot of honing of skills, and, of course, comics. I have a definite project in mind and I can't wait to get started on it. One thing is for certain, it will take place in the City of Cards universe.
Thanks again for all your support and for those of you that have contacted me about getting copies of my mini-thesis I'll be contacting you over the next few days to arrange that.
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