I won't be posting the full comic up here but I'll at least give a taste of the work we did.
First off, this sweet cover picture:

Pretty awesome, huh? Artwork for the cover was by Corey Middleton, an amazing artist and great guy to work with.
We all were paired up to individual 10 page stories within the book and this is what Corey and I did:

This project taught me that pastiche is way more fun than should be allowed. One of things I was largely responsible for in this project was writing, particularly the text for the ads and I fell in love with one of them especially.

I did the color on the mouse and the InDesign work and fellow teammate Ben Horak came up with the awesome design that is the Elephant Mouse. Seriously, I want one.
So that's the Golden Age project!
The next couple of months are going to be dedicated to my pre-thesis project, but for now it's Spring Break and I'm looking forward to getting some sleep and enjoying the awesomeness that is post-winter Vermont.
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